Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Luck O' the Irish - Moosebutter


  1. Ha ha, I can actually understand what the singer is saying...very unusual for me! Maybe it's cause he's Irish, however unIrish his accent might be. I really enjoyed that 'un! Love it, 'specially with my Irish ancestry! (However minute - I'm half German from me Mother's side, and Dutch, Irish, & English from me Father's!) Don't understand what the connection with Moose Butter is though.

  2. Yes, unIrish, indeed! Definitely imitation. :)

    Are you Irish, too? Half German? Wow.

    I'm mostly Irish, one-fourth, that is; also English, Scottish, Cherokee, and I do have a pinch of German somewhere in there.

    I think Moosebutter was just a name they picked because it sounds silly.

    Guten tag!

